Edgar Cayce's Saced Stones - Shelley Kaehr, PhD

$9.00 $30.00

Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) was a rare individual with psychic abilities that earned him the title of the 'sleeping prophet' and the 'father of holistic medicine'. With 14306 readings recorded by a stenographer as he spoke, he is also known as the 'most-documented psychic' of modern times.

Author Shelley Kaehr, PhD, has pulled together Cayce's fascinating advice for the use of gems and stones for a variety of life issues and enhancements, such as healing, psychic development, spiritual protection, and more. This thoroughly researched, hands on A to Z guide to gems, stones, and other materials that are mentioned by Cayce, offers suggestions and recommendations for uses that can't be found anywhere else. Kaehr supplements the Cayce advice with thorough knowledge of each gem, including information on where in the world the stone can be found.

Striking colour photographs throughout will assist you in identification and make for a gorgeous book you'll want to feature on your coffee table at home.