Dreams and Visions By Edgar Cayce


From deep attunement to what he called a universal consciousness, America's greatest psychic viewed dreams and visions as messages from a deeper level of consciousness. When asked about this subject, Edgar Cayce answered "All visions and dreams are given for the benefit of the individual, would they but interpret them correctly, for we find that visions, or dreams, in whatever character they may come, are the reflection, either of the physical condition...or of the subconscious...or a projection from the spiritual forces...,and happy may be that is able to say they have been spoken to through the dream or vision."

The newest book brings you Cayce's insights and guidance to better dream recall, better dream interpretation, better dream.guidance, even better sleep, and heightened E.S.P. There's also a fascinating chapter on Cayce's instructions for understanding messages of love or concern or advice - as well as warnings - in dreams from loved ones that have passed on but continue to communicate with us on earth from the other side - because there is no death of the mind and soul, only the body. There's also a chapter revealing how Cayce interpreted dreams, including his own.

Everyone dreams, science now affirms. According to Cayce, these are the four types of dreams we may experience: those pertaining to our physical health, those revealing our inner self's dynamics, those that are precognitive and psychic, and those that are visions from the higher spiritual realms. Learn how to enjoy the benefits of each of these in your life.