Black Tourmaline Rod with Inclusions of Green Tourmaline, Dravite, and Mica - Raw


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-Protection against all forms of negativity or stagnant energy

-Mental healer

-Grounds energy

-Energetically fills the body, mind, and spirit with positive vibrations

-Brings a sense of balance and stability to life

GREEN TOURMALINE; opens the heart centre, cleansing and detoxifying to remove any blockages, activating the area to its highest potential. It vibrates to the essence of peace, strength, happiness, and joy.


-Stamina and life-force

-Grounds energy

-Aligns with positive healing frequencies

-Acceptance and empowerment of the self

-Spiritual growth

-Integrates conscious and the sub-conscious



-Enables focus towards what is important

-Strips away layers for personal growth


-Balances the body and energy system

-Clarity to psychic visions