Death is inevitable and is an existential fear for all human beings. But it is the devastating thought of departing this earth alone and in agony that renders our inevitable transition such a fearful endeavour. For many, it is not so much facing the afterlife, as most religions provide some support in that area, but it is in the way we will end our lives that is the major source of concern. How many of us hope and pray to be blessed with an angel, a loved one that will give us the patient support and attend to our very needs during our last days? Such dedicated souls are such few and far apart, and rare are the ones that will undertake that exhausting and onerous task. This book is about one of them though. Pierre, s loving husband who, without hesitation, put his life aside to become the soul caretaker of his wife, Louise, diagnosed with a devastating cancer.
Follow Pierre in his fantastic and sometimes unbelievable journey as he brings you through the exhausting and emotional roller coaster ride of the many periods of remission and relapse that only fighting the battle can bring about. You will experience his fears, his anger, his guilt and resentments, his hopes and disappointments as he leads you through the many stages of grief as he experienced them himself.
You will be touched by his sorrows, so deep at times, that only death could alleviate them, and by his courage and strength as he accompanied his wife to the end of her life.
This story is not only about suffering and loss though, it's also about rising from the ashes of loss and building a new life. Join the author as he learns, through hiks trials and tribulations, to become a new man and essentially to love again.