Oracle of the Dragonfae - Lucy Cavendish


In the not so far away past, were Gods and Goddesses... we dwelt in dimensional lands... Eden, Avalon, Ys, Atlantis and Mu... we were fully alive and fully magickal. We worked, loved and lived with all the elemental beings... but as time wore on, we were torn away from our strongest, most protective kin, the Dragonfae. This deck is a dimensional portal to allow them tgo return to our realm, and deliver their powerful messages of love, healing, and protection for a new generation of magickal beings. Within these pages, and on each of these magickal cards, you will be introduced and given messages and wisdom from the boundless world of the Dragonfae, a world which is now ready to be seen by your eyes and experienced by your heart. When we connect with the Dragonfae, we reconnect with the lost parts of ourselves, allowing ujs to fully explore the gijft of life on this beautiful planet. They help us to access knowledge from deep within and reconnect us with the knowingness that we are all one.

Set includes 43 Cards and 164-page Magickal Guidebook